Prosecuting Attorney's Office

Prosecution Overview

Felony & Misdemeanor Cases

The Pemiscot County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is the only authority in the county to prosecute violations of state criminal laws. Those criminal violations range from misdemeanors to murders and are almost all codified in Title XXXVIII of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri.

Beginning Stages

At the beginning of a criminal case, prosecutors work with police officers to seek arrest warrants and search wan-ants from judges who review the criminal investigation to ensure there is probable cause for the search or the anest. Under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Missouri, a citizen charged with a crime has the right to be represented by an attorney, to be tried by a jury, to question and examine the evidence against him and to remain silent during police questioning and the trial.

Prior to proceeding to trial, a judge or a grand jury must review the case to ensure that the evidence suppo1ts probable cause to believe the accused committed the crime charged. At a jury trial, the Prosecuting Attorney's Office must prove the accused's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Upon conviction a criminal may be sentenced to a fine, to probation. to incarceration or to some combination of those options.

Careful Discretion

Prosecuting attorneys exercise careful discretion in determining whether to charge someone with a criminal offense. Even if a crime can be proven, prosecutors may decide not to pursue criminal charges if the facts do not merit criminal prosecution or if there is a viable alternative to prosecution.

Upon the charging of a crime, the prosecutor will provide all of his evidence to the attorney for the accused so that he may understand the case against him and prepare any defense. The accused may then opt to plead guilty or to proceed to trial. Should the accused decide to plead guilty, his attorney and the prosecutor will negotiate a sentence or defer that decision to a judge.

Victim Rights

Though prosecutors do not have an attorney-client relationship with victims or witnesses, prosecutors certainly seek to make the criminal justice system as painless as possible for those who have been affected by crime. The Constitution of the State of Missouri provides crime victims with rights to restitution of certain costs of crime. and to be notified about and allowed to participate in many criminal proceedings.

Accomplishing justice and restoring a sense of security for crime victims is a top priority of the Pemiscot County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. The professionals who work in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office are servants of the public and are committed to maintaining safety and security in our community.

Our Goals

  • To strive for just disposition of criminal cases and to promote public safety and order through timely, efficient, and effective prosecution.
  • To ensure that victims and witnesses of crimes are treated with respect, courtesy, and sensitivity throughout the criminal justice process.
  • To improve the criminal justice system by identifying areas of need and working collaboratively with other c1iminal justice agencies and the community to improve and progress.
  • To identify, promote and implement new and innovative approaches to solving crime and protecting om community.

Prosecuting Attorney's Office FAQ's

Before You Testify in Court, What is a subpoena?

A subpoena is a court order that tells you to appear in court at a specified date, time and place to give evidence. You may wish to show the subpoena to your employer to arrange for time off to attend court.

If you are unable to attend court because of a serious circumstance, you should immediately contact the Victim Advocate. If you fail to obey a subpoena, a warrant may be issued for your arrest or you may be charged with contempt of court.

You can contact the Victim Advocate to make an appointment to prepare for court.

If you are subpoenaed by the prosecution and later contacted by the defense attorney, it is okay to talk to the defense attorney. However, you are under no legal obligation to do this. If you have any questions, call the Victim Advocate and ask to speak with the Prosecuting Attorney who had you subpoenaed. If you wish, prior to speaking with the defense attorney you may request that an Prosecuting Attorney be present during your conversation with the defense attorney. You also have a right to seek advice from an independent lawyer at your expense, although a witness is not usually represented by a lawyer.

How do I prepare to testify in court?

Before going into court to give your testimony, try to remember details about what happened, such as conversations, who was present, dates, times, colors, distances and any other relevant facts. If you made notes at the time of the event, you may be allowed to take these into court with you and you should let the Prosecuting Attorney handling your case know that you have such notes and ask him or her if this is possible. If you signed a statement for the police at the time of their investigation and cannot remember what you said, you may arrange with the Prosecuting Attorney to see it again.

How should I behave in court?
  • Turn off your cell phone before entering the courtroom.
  • Stand up when the judge enters or leaves the courtroom.
  • Do not discuss your testimony with other witnesses.
  • If a jury is present, do not talk to jurors.
  • In court, your job is to tell the truth and to answer the questions you are asked to the best of your memory.
  • You should wear neat, clean clothing.
  • Judges are addressed as "Your Honor", "Sir" or "Ma'am".
  • Follow the instructions of the judge.
  • Remain quiet if you are in the courtroom waiting to testify or watching other testimony or proceedings
What if someone tries to get me to change my testimony?

If someone tries to get you to change your testimony, tell the prosecuting attorney or the police immediately.

Prosecuting Attorney's Office Staff

Steven C. Horton

Prosecuting Attorney

Gabe Hazel

Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Debra Kingsbury


Ladeen Ayers

Child Support Investigator

Brittany Brodie

Child Support Investigator

Hailey Coleman

Victim Advocate

Taryn Kingsbury


Natalie Crawford



Contact Prosecuting Attorney